
National Guard Flag, July Monarchy, Period advertising leaflet. 1963

National Guard Flag, July Monarchy, Period advertising leaflet. 1963

Advertising leaflet; dimensions: width 40 cm, height 26.5 cm.
On the left part, the description and conditions for supplying flags for the national guards with the new emblems of the July Monarchy are printed. This document is dated January 20, 1831 in Saint-Genis-Laval near Lyon.

The document is intended for town halls and local authorities:

"At a time when a law, as much desired as it is keenly felt, has just established the organization of the national guards throughout the kingdom, I believe I must offer to that of your city the means to be able to obtain at little cost the flag which she may need

The flags thus proposed are 5 feet wide by 4 high, with a coat of arms painted in its center and the words "Liberty, public order" and on the other "National Guard..." The coat of arms is a Gallic shield surmounted by 'a Rooster. In the four corners, civic wreaths can bear the numbers of either the Legion or the Battalion or recall the days of July 27, 28 and 29, 1830. The flag is garnished with 12-line fringes all around. He is supplied with his tie, his spearhead and his staff. The cost of the flag with gold or silver fringe is 175 francs. If the fringes are supplied mid-end, the cost is 150 francs.

This document bears the original signature of F.O Soidesguelk. On the right side, the proposed flag is watercolored. Very good state.
Price : 380,00 €
Destination Envoi recommandé Envoi Recommandé + Express
Shipping France 23,00 € 40,00 €
Shipping Europe 27,00 € 50,00 €
Shipping world 57,00 € 100,00 €
Insurance (1%) : 3,80 €
Reference : 1963

Prochaine mise à jour vendredi 10 mai à 13H30
Next update on 10 may at 13h30
Nächste Aktualisierung, den 10. may um 13.30


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